The Glass Plate Game

A Cooperative Thinking Game


The Rules

  1. In making a statement, a player must use a card with an appropriate idea on it, relating it to another idea-card, and label the new card with the next sequential cube (number side up) and a colored square of the same color as the one related to.
  2. In asking a question or making a request a player must speak right after the relation in question (in "Challenge") and record the challenge by turning the cube labeling the relation so that the "C" side is up. A Challenge must be done in the move following the relevant relation.
  3. An idea-card cannot be related to unless it has been "opened". A card is open if it is labeled and unrelated, or has a sequential cube with the "P" or "O" face up.
  4. To open an unlabeled card a player labels it with the next sequential cube and a square of an unused color.
  5. To open a card that is labeled and related a player turns the sequential cube to the "P" side (Permit).
  6. To open a card that is Challenged a player turns the sequential cube to the "O" (Okay).
  7. If a relation is Challenged for triteness and talk of it goes nowhere a second player may turn the relevant cube to the blank side, unlabeling the idea-card.
  8. If more than three people are playing then no player may make two consecutive moves; no player may Permit a relation if they labeled either of the idea-cards involved, and no player may Okay a card that they labeled. Starred rules describe moves.

Next: More About The Glass Plate Game


The Glass Plate Game

A Cooperative Thinking Game